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- e-designHave you ever wondered how do Engineers test and optimize their designs? There are two methods:1.The Experimental approach:o Engineers create real models of their design ideas. These models are tested… Read more: e-design
- 3D Thinking3D printing (3DP), also known as additive manufacturing, is emerging as a valuable digital manufacturing technology. More and more companies are adopting 3D printing for various applications, including the production… Read more: 3D Thinking
- Industry 4.0 ReadinessThe 21st Century Students project has identified key findings in relation to Industry 4.0 readiness across Europe. Partners have surveyed 120 stakeholders from Croatia, Germany, Greece, Spain, Romania and the United Kingdom. With 78% of stakeholders identifying a skills shortage, it is clear that change is… Read more: Industry 4.0 Readiness

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